Hic et Nunc

Last week, Hic et Nunc (HEN) passed 50k users. Here are the latest stats on the platform 👇

Credit: This thread wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of @jagracar, Tezos Data Archmage 🧙. All the data was pulled using python scripts he developed.

1/ Today, there are 34k artists on HEN. 55% of HEN artists are also collectors. Love to see artists reinvesting in the community by buying from other artists.

There are 19k collectors who don’t also make art.

2/ There has been 8.55M XTZ of trading volume on HEN. At today's tez price of $6.90 that is $59M.

3/ 51% of sales transactions have been for NFTs with a value less or equal to 0.5 XTZ ($3.45).

Combined with the low gas fees on Tezos, this makes collecting on HEN very accessible to the average NFT user.

4/ The price of the governance token of HEN, hDAO, is currently 1.83 XTZ. With a fixed supply of 651k, that’s a 1.2M XTZ ($8.2M) market cap.

5/ 457k NFTs have been minted on the platform.

I love the vibes of the Tezos NFT ecosystem. A passionate and authentic community has flourished there, creating weird and wonderful art, building apps, and organising events. Having a hard time describing it, but it feels good.

If you’re as big a fan of the Tezos NFT ecosystem as I am, consider tipping or buying an NFT from MarchingSquare, creator of hicdex.

Until last month, HEN relied on the public instance of hicdex, run and maintained by MarchingSquare, for critical data like trade history.

Now it uses a private instance of the same indexer. Tons of projects from Henext to Cyber use hicdex’s public instance to pull data.

Truly an unsung hero of the Tezos NFT ecosystem.

Tip here: https://hicdex.com/

Buy art here: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/marchingsquare


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